I had thought to put this blog to sleep and create another but the reality is that I like this quiet place and there is no one else I am aiming to please or encourage to link, like or ‘listen’ to the posts that will appear here.
I’ve only been away a few months, cough, so my vast following will soon be back waving and singing, hah! Never did I intend to use this as a marketing tool, a piss pot or a pity me purge. I started blogging for myself, to discover what I was thinking, realise what I had discovered I already knew and follow clues to find out where I was in my life that day.
None of that has changed I still need to discover what I’m thinking, be slightly amused and certainly confused discovering what I already know and as to finding out where I am in my life… well that’ll take more than a lifetime to get near I suspect but following the clues is always fun.
Why did I stop blogging for so long, no reason really save for the fact the life love and the universe just got on ahead of me and try as I might I couldn’t see the point of attempting to catch up as I would almost certainly fall over. There has be a lot of falling over one way and another during the silence here, much to do with a fairly marked down turn in all things health which has left little room for pretence and even less room to get out of my own careering self.
Today I put this wee note here to try and remind myself this is a place I like to visit as it is a place I can ramble through mind and life in my own chaotic way and realise the new wonders and old knowledge that teem in this brain and heart, which find pleasure and release in making marks with pen keyboard needle and brush.
A new beginning, no fanfares or drum rolls no plans or great scheme just one woman with blank screen and blank mind discovering, reacquainting, exploring this life and my living it.